Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome. My name is Richard Healey and I am the Headteacher at Isambard Kingdom Brunel Primary School (IKB) and the Primary Executive Headteacher for the Blackdown Education Partnership. I am proud to be part of the Blackdown Education Partnership and I am delighted to be leading IKB on this exciting journey as we continue to develop an outstanding model of education for the 21st century. My talented and dedicated staff have exceptionally high expectations of our pupils, and in return we are committed to providing them with the very best environment in which to learn.

We are a child-centred school where we live by our values ‘every child achieves’, ‘every child belongs’ and ‘every child participates’. Our school celebrates diversity, individuality and respects each child's identity. This enables us to develop the whole child, encouraging all children to excel through our 6 IKB attributes:

  • We are POSITIVE in our relationships with others and the values that we share.
  • We are ENGAGED in our learning, our wider school activities and our community.
  • We are RESPONSIBLE for the way we conduct ourselves in school and amongst the community.
  • We are RESPECTFUL to everyone we meet and to the property and resources that we share.
  • We are RESILIENT when things might not go the way we want and come back stronger.
  • We rise to CHALLENGES to learn more about ourselves and to strive for further achievement.

Our unique IKB attributes enable us to create a nurturing environment which develops the skills our children need to be global citizens for the increasingly diverse society that we live in.

A focus on developing teaching and learning is at the forefront of everything we do to ensure that all children make progress. We place emphasis on individual achievement whilst building an awareness and understanding of others. As part of this we focus on personal, social, moral, and emotional development as well as academic and creative achievement no matter a child’s starting point. We offer a broad and experiential curriculum for all children to immerse themselves within that supports and challenges each child to reach their full potential through our creative and purposeful learning environments. In essence, we ensure that through our well taught curriculum our children will know more and remember more. We believe that a commitment to high academic standards is possible alongside a creative and ethical curriculum.

All our staff have high expectations of all children in terms of behaviour and learning attitudes. We aim for children to leave IKB confident, responsible, determined and equipped with the tools to thrive and develop as lifelong learners, who are able to adapt to the changes and challenges they may face, within the communities they serve. Therefore, ensuring that they have a clear understanding between right and wrong, tolerance of others and a willingness to embrace life’s onward challenges. We also look for commitment from parents, families and carers and we wish for you to join us in a partnership that puts the success of children and their wellbeing at the centre of everything we do.

Safeguarding at IKB is the responsibility of everyone at the school and collaboratively we work hard to ensure that all children are safe, happy and valued. To us safeguarding is of the utmost importance and we are committed to safer recruitment to ensure the welfare of all children is maintained.

We welcome visitors and we are always keen to introduce new visitors to our positive learning community. If you wish to visit IKB then please get in touch with our office team via telephone or email to make an appointment and I will be delighted to show you around personally.

I look forward to meeting you all and having your children begin their educational journey with us at IKB. I hope you enjoy the website.


Mr Healey