Our School Day
Our school gates will be opened at 8:30 each morning by a member of the senior leadership team who will warmly greet all children, parents and families. Children can enter their class from 8:45 where registration will take place promptly.
The school day ends at 15:15 in the Foundation Stage and in Key Stage 1. The school day ends at 15:20 in Key Stage 2. Many children will attend our after school clubs and extra-curricular enrichment once they are up and running which will run from 15:15 to 16:15/16:30 (depending upon age).
On a Monday Mr Healey will lead a whole school themed assembly, on a Thursday children will experience a singing or well-being assembly and there is a whole school celebration assembly every Friday. Assemblies provide an excellent opportunity for children to reflect on how our core values impact upon them personally, as well as share how our IKB attributes are positively influencing the choices they are making.